Im Proud of You Baby for Getting Clean and Bettering Your Life

  • You listen to me ...

    Couple Comfort

    I appreciate when we share a meal together. That makes me feel important and cared for.

  • I appreciate your thoughtful words last night. Learning about how you feel, your values and thought are very important to me. I regard you as an intelligent individual who has devoted time to understanding yourself, others and how you may pursue a successful relationship. I learned more about you and myself, what is important to me, better communication, being vulnerable and taking risks. Thanks for sharing more of yourself with me.

  • I appreciate you letting me sleep last night when I was so tired. I appreciate that when I talked about my dream this morning you did not get upset with me and, instead, tried to find out why I had the dream by asking pertinent questions. I appreciate your love for me, which shows in how you support me, guide me, and understand what I need even when I do not.

  • I appreciate that you listened to me last night even though I got a bit upset and you don't always know how to deal with that. It felt really good to be able to share how I felt with you even though there aren't always any answers. It helps me deal with things just being able to open up to you. It's doubly hard because what I need to talk about is something that affects us and is tied to the physical side of our relationship, but you put that aside to listen to me and that makes me feel like you care about me. Thank you too for asking me whether I feel depressed or not. I know you are wary of asking me about things like that but you did it anyway. I enjoyed yesterday evening with you and I felt more relaxed. I appreciate how good you are with people and so many people trust you and value you and come and seek you out when they need advice and help. I'm proud of you.

  • I know sometimes it may seem as though I take you for granted or that I do not care but I would like to let you know that I appreciate you every moment of every day. I appreciate how you always know how to make me smile even when I do not want to. I appreciate how you are always there to hear me vent when I need to. I appreciate how you set me straight even though I usually am very resistant. I appreciate how loyal you are...I know that no matter what you always have my back! I know I am not perfect but the fact that you have accepted me with my all my flaws inspires me to want to be better and do better. Because of your love for me I have learned to love myself more!Thank you for being not only the love of my life but also the bestest friend ever!

  • Lord, I appreciate the effort you have put in me, you have made me a successful Doctor, given me three lovely children, two nice houses to live in and invest. Thank you for the father of my children, my husband. Thank you for protecting me each time I drive in the wee hours of the morning. I thank you because you have been there for me. Thank you for giving me and my family good health.

  • Thank you for reassuring me when I had my fit this morning and I said I felt sick (scared). It felt good to know you cared about how I felt and that you were there supporting me when I felt like that and that you understand how I feel about the dentist. You have really helped me deal with feeling like that and encouraged me and supported me while I've been trying to sort out my teeth. And thank you for loving me even with teeth missing.

  • I really like that you call me every day just to talk to me or check with me about your day or my day. I like that first thing in the morning we hug and kiss. I like that I can tell you anything and you listen to me.

  • Your commitment to do whatever it takes to help our kids is amazing. I am grateful you arranged a sitter last night. I really love being with you. I love hearing about your spiritual thoughts. I love how our house looks--you have such awesome taste. I love that you love your family so much. It's fun to watch you enjoy them. You are so hot and sexy--I feel very lucky.

  • I appreciated that you came out to the game last night even though you are busy and were tired.

  • You are amazing how you are there for me when I need you emotionally without judgement or criticisms.

  • I have a big appreciation for how we've kept in touch so well these past few days. I really loved that call from you last night ... It made my whole night worthwhile. I'm really pleased that I'm going to get to spend time with you over the holiday and I really appreciate that we have a plan for getting me on the good track with your family. I love that we talked through some stuff yesterday that was on my mind without getting into a fight. That made me super happy. I love your smile and I can't believe that I'm going to have to spend a whole week away from you still.

  • I appreciate you giving me a good morning/goodbye kiss everyday and telling me you love me.

  • Thank you for being so persistent at times when I have pushed you away and being here for me as I am going through something right now that I am trying to figure out.

  • I appreciate how you care for and attend to the needs of our beautiful grandchildren. They feel very loved and cared for because you really take care of them. I really appreciate that you have found this new way of expressing our feelings and checking in with one another on a regular basis.

  • Your compassion. It means the world to me that you don't judge me and love me even more the more you learn about me... your compassion makes it easier for me to love myself too... because if someone as amazing as you could love me than I am an ok person... I don't know what I've done to deserve you, but I thank God everyday. Thank you for your compassion.

  • I just want you to know that I appreciate the hard work that you put in for your wife, children, family, house and most of all God. I am more appreciative to God for allowing me to be part of this great transformation that you are going through. I also appreciate the way you love me. No one has ever loved me like you and I'm not just talking about the materialistic things. I'm talking about your touch, your special words and the tone in your voice when you tell me that you love me and how much you love and what I mean to you. I know I don't tell you enough and I know I don't act like it or show it enough, but I just wanted you to know that I DO APPECIATE YOU, for the man, husband, friend, prayer partner and lover that you are.

  • Dear God, thank you for the light of day and sight to see it, thank you for family and friends and the touch of their hugs. Thank you for the sounds around me which inspire the worship of your glory because I can hear them, when I choose. Thank you for the mind, body and spirit you have given me, help me to respect them and use my gifts wisely.

  • I so appreciate all that you've done during this season of change. You've kept a good attitude while doing what needed doing, even when it was an inconvenience to you. You've come home ready and willing to jump into whatever was needed. Thank you for taking off yesterday so you could be here to help me. I couldn't have done it without you!

  • Everything about you is appreciated by me, including breakfast, love, birthdays, you as a mother. Everything, everything, everything and more.

  • I appreciate you fixing the solar panels even though you were so tired.

  • Hope your day is going well. I really appreciate you getting the house back in order after the carpets were cleaned. The sitting room looks great the way you arranged it. I like it very much. Also, I have really appreciated your efforts with your socks these past few weeks. I know it's small but it makes me feel valued when you consider me and put effort towards accommodating a request like that.

  • I absolutely appreciate going to the gym with me lately! It's a fun way I get to interact with you in a healthy and positive way and makes me feel important. I know the schedule can be crazy but you doing that with me as really been awesome!

  • I really appreciate the way you have been including me in planning and helping with the decoration and decor of our home lately. It is exciting to be able to brain storm and create new ideas with you. Also I really appreciate you asking me my thoughts on your class and homework with you new class. I had an awesome time out with the last few weekends just enjoying your company and chatting abour our work lives and home ideas. I really enjoy how you have been communicating with me and sharing your thoughts and views. That really means a lot and makes me feel connected with you.

  • I really appreciate how you can tell when I'm exhausted and you sometimes offer to massage my feet. It is kind and thoughtful of you to show how you care in this way. I can see how you are trying hard to grow up, by taking on more responsibility with the camp-out and putting your money into your savings account. It's also evident you're growing stronger, as you started to wash your own clothes. I loved it when you did the dishes this week. It was a big help. I also was pleasantly surprised when you watered the lawn a few times when you got home from school. It seems you do take notice of things that need to be done. You've always had a good sense of value, and I value your coupon hunts for great deals. That is very mature and it helps us to save money.

  • I so appreciate you taking me to my appointments with me, driving me there, sitting there with me, and taking such good care of me during this whole process. You are an incredible husband and I love you so much. Thank you also for doing the dishes last night when I couldn't do them and for gently reminding me that I shouldn't be doing certain things.

  • I appreciate that we had a good evening together last night, just having fun and being intimate, and sharing some time with each other. I also appreciate the salad that you made me before I left and the massage you gave me. That was wonderful! Also, I'm thankful that we love each other enough to try this again and that we had two days of long talks. I'm really happy that we haven't given up. I missed you when we were broken up. I appreciate that you are willing to get some help with our issues so that we can co-create the extraordinary relationship that we've talked about.

  • I want you to know how much I appreciate your kindess and thoughtfulness. When you bring me my cup of tea in the morning it is a lovely way to start my day. I love the thought and kindness you put into my birthday. It doesnt matter to me that you didnt manage to buy the picture, the act of trying made me feel special and loved. Thank you for sharing my life.

  • The appreciations I have for you I cannot adequetely express but there are a few things I want to highlight. I appreciate your trust.....the way you trust me to make decisions, with secrets and to do what's best. I appreciate the fun we have we we travel together. I appreciate your sick sense of humor because its exactly like mine.

  • I appreciate you taking the time every morning to make a healthy shake so that I will not get hungry and tired through out the day. You know how lazy I am with making food for myself. I would not have healthy fresh kale in my body everyday without you!

  • You made sure I would survive ...

    Hands on Marble

    When you message me first I feel extremely special. I appreciated last night when you skyped me all night. I was very happy to wake up and see you still there.

  • I am happy that we are touching during the night and in the morning.

  • I am really glad and appreciate the effort you put in to keep our affairs in order.

  • I appreaciate so much your effort in making videos for me to wake up to for three days. I felt so loved even if you are miles away from me. I woke up feeling so wonderful and it made me happy for the rest of the day. I also appreciate you making time to send even an emoticon, or a "good night," or a "good morning," despite your busy night at work. I feel like the most loved woman in the world everytime I open my phone and see a message from you.

  • I appreciate everything you did to make sure I would survive while you were gone.

  • I appreciate all of the effort you put into us this past week. I appreciate that you made a fantastic pasta salad for me. I appreciate you taking time to drive me to work and fixing my car. It shows me how important I am to you and fills my heart so full. I appreciate your honesty; it reassures me when I feel insecure and anxious.

  • I appreciate all of the kind, loving and caring pet names you shower on me throughout the day to show you care!

  • I appreciate all that you do for our family. You work so very hard at work and at home to make sure we have everything we need and I really appreciate that. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to be gone from our family for months at time and to be stuck underwater on a crammed boat with not a lot of free time.

  • I appreciate all the delicious meals your prepare for me every day and making sure our family is well fed.

  • I appreciate all the effort and sacrifice you put into creating a comfortable lifestyle for our family. I appreciate the analytical and logical way in which you approach decision making and finances. It helps me to grow in those areas I'm not as strong in. I appreciate all of the emails you send me with information and interesting articles or things you find funny. I appreciate your willingness to admit fault, to look at yourself and evaluate how to be a partner. I appreciated very much that you spent time with my family, even though I know you were completely exhausted. You were genuine, kind and giving toward them and that sacrifice meant so much to me.

  • I appreciate all the effort and time you put into our family to make us healthier and happier.

  • I appreciate all the effort you put in to cooking the evening meal.

  • I appreciate all the effort you put into cooking and sharing with me what you have made. I feel important and that you care.

  • I appreciate all the effort you put into making a really wonderful, delicious dinner last night, especially that you cooked things you knew the kids would love. I appreciate the text messages and pictures you've been sending me during the day to connect with me and show me our adorable baby.

  • I appreciate all the effort you put into making a really wonderful, delicious dinner Tuesday night, especially that you cooked things you knew I would love. I also appreciate the text messages and pictures you send or forward to me during the day to connect with me and show me our wonderful children. I really appreciate the time you have spent trying to make me comfortable and taking care of me after my surgery. I appreciate you so much!

  • I appreciate all the effort you put into making wonderful dinners and doing dishes, picking up thoughtful desserts, buying colorful and fuzzy towels for our guests and for me.

  • I appreciate all the hard work you do to help our dreams become a reality. I love you!

  • I appreciate all the time you put into building our home. I appreciate you going there everyday and making sure everything is okay. I love that you ask my opinion and make sure that I like something before you ask the contractor to do it. Thank you for always making me feel that I am important. Thank you for sacrificing the things you love during this period so we can finish everything that needs to be finished. I love our house and can't wait to see it completed. And I love you.

  • I appreciate all the time you took to clean off the drive and my car. I appreciate the way you always take care of the snow and ice on my care - I see it as a very loving thing you do for me.

  • I appreciate all the ways that you demonstrate your love for me. I appreciate the tasty meals that you prepare for us and I love sitting down, enjoying our meal and sharing a bottle of wine. I love the way you take care of yourself and all that you do to stay as beautiful if not more beautiful than the day we first met. I love when you touch me and hold my hand. Your touch is reassuring to me and I hope you will do more of that. I love watching movies with you at home. I love exercising with you and maybe we can do that at the gym when you return. I love dreaming with you. When we share our dreams, we get on the same page and we are a great team. I love when you are thriving and alive. I want to support and uplift you going forward and moving past our mistakes and pains. I love the way you take care of things - our kids, dogs, house, yard, etc. I appreciate the struggle that we've gone through and know that our life will get better.

  • I appreciate all the work that you put into caring for our family by making sure that I get enough rest when I get off work, helping out with meals, doing laundry, caring for the baby all day even when you're tired.

  • I appreciate all your help in planning the party. I appreciate your willingness to go to counseling to help our relationship. I appreciate you being affectionate and silly.

  • I appreciate all your support and encouragement in making this trip possible for me.

  • I appreciate you being there to support me last night- it meant so much to me! I appreciate your continuous love and care for our family. Your care and concern for our physical, financial, and emotional well being is sooo awesome! Thank you for loving me so well and so powerfully.

  • I appreciate getting to take care of you when you were sick. I appreciate the feeling I get snuggling with you. I appreciate the sweet and loving way you loved me last night. I appreciate your patience this morning, not getting mad about your window. It was an honest mistake and my fault for not checking, knowing how particular you are about your car.

  • I appreciate how affectionate and attentive you've been the last few days- I especially love all the good kisses you give me at random times throughout the day.

  • I appreciate how connected you are with your children. I appreciate how important you make me feel. I appreciate how you check in with me everyday from work. I appreciate that you think about our financial future.

  • I appreciate how considerate you are. How when I vent you don't take it personal but help me relax and come up with a solution. You know how to make me feel special when I don't feel so good about me.

  • I appreciate how hard working you are and I admire you for being driven in your career.

  • I appreciate how hard you work every day for me and your children on a day-to-day basis.

  • Made a place in your heart for me ...

    I appreciate how hard you work to help our family have fun. The schedule of things you do is impressive, not only in scope, but also in generation, because it allows us time to have quality family fun on the weekends.

  • I appreciate how hard you work, both at home and on the job. You have incredibly high expectations for yourself, and you are able to meet them most of the time. I appreciate what a great dad you are. You are often willing to play with the girls, to be silly and make them laugh, and you make them feel safe. I appreciate how you keep us all safe, financially, physically and emotionally. I appreciate how you believe in me, believe that I will get that elusive job and keep all of us happy.

  • I appreciate how much you love me, care for me and understand me. I appreciate you acknowledging your anxiety and doing something about it to help yourself.

  • I appreciate how patient you are with me and how you are so committed to preserving our relationship.

  • I appreciate how receptive you have been as we discover more about each other. I appreciate the way you have created a place in your heart for me. I appreciate how you are allowing me to open up to you and are encouraging to me. I appreciate that you show your gratitude, affection and share you feelings with me. I appreciate you for everything you do, even if I forget to tell you everyday. I appreciate that you are willing to move forward in this journey to learn about each other so that we can be closer not just sexually but emotionally.

  • I appreciate how supportive you are everyday, always being so positive

  • I appreciate how sweet you are. It's a silly analogy, but when I think of many of the uppity, challenging, angry girls I've known in my life, I say, "Father, thank you for joining me to a wife who is so much my partner." I appreciate how you take time to work through difficult topics (friends, family, jobs, etc.) with me. When I can bounce ideas off with you, have deep discussions, and "share life" like this, it's the most wonderful feeling. I appreciate how you encourage me to be the leader that God has called me to be. It would be so difficult if you weren't that way, but I never have to worry – you value me as our family's leader (my greatest calling) and I can't describe how grateful I am for it.

  • I appreciate how understanding and loving you are, even when everything around you seems to be in turmoil. You are an amazing woman, a fantastic mother, and I am lucky enough to be able to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love and adore you.

  • I appreciate how will you are to share you day with me. Good, bad, and everything in between... it certainly helps me to feel closer to you and the kids to hear about what is going on.

  • I appreciate how willingly you show your affection, even in public. it shows your genuine feelings And makes me feel special. I want to become better at doing this for you too.

  • I appreciate how you always sends me email and ask how my day is. I like it that you are thinking of me and sends email before you got to work to find out was my day was.

  • I appreciate how you always strive to keep our house clean. I appreciate your growing interest in healthy food. I appreciated that you brought me flowers a few days ago.

  • I appreciate how you always try to make things right. I appreciate your love and support. I appreciate you putting the baby to bed giving me a few peace minutes. Thank for getting the house clean. Thanks for being a wonderful wife.

  • I appreciate how you are eager to make me coffee in the morning, and how this morning you gave me very passionate kisses when you saw that I looked sad. I was sad and your kiss really brightened my day, letting me know that you are paying attention to me.

  • I appreciate how you bought my oatmeal when I was on my trip. I appreciate how you have tried some new things that you know I might like regarding intimacy.

  • I appreciate how you care for me when I need it.

  • I appreciate how you genuinely connect with those around you. When I talk to you, I can tell you are listening and your heart is invested in what I am saying. Thank you for helping me with the dishes and helping to host our friends and make them feel comfortable when they come over. I am so grateful that you pray with me each night and cuddle with me. It makes me feel so loved and cared for by you. Thank you for helping me to recognize when I'm stressed by asking gentle questions so I can stop it in it's tracks. Thank you for your side commentary on life which is so entertaining and for showing me pictures of cute little friends. Thank you for loving God so much and seeking to learn his word daily and sharing what you learn with me to help me grow in my knowledge and walk. I appreciate the way you tell me that I look nice and also help me to be on time.

  • I appreciate how you have stayed calm with the situation we are in. You always treat me well and I know you always will. I appreciate all the times you have dinner ready for me even after going to school.

  • I appreciate how you make me smile. I could be freaking out and just talking to you helps me calm down and smile. Just hearing you laugh and you kind words and just thinking of you, I am warm in side and can't stop smiling.

  • I appreciate how you picked up the entire house. It was really nice to come home and be able to walk in the door without tripping on items. I am trying to be really good at helping to keep it picked up. Thanks so much

  • I appreciate how you see the positive in almost all situations. I also appreciate how supportive you are to me by calling me and e-mailing me to check in and ask his I'm doing as you travel the globe. I'm amazed that we've been able to be close for more than 10 years despite our many periods of work-related separations. You're the closest person to me.

  • I appreciate how you set an example for others to go out and try new things. I sit and think about how much I have been pushed to be better as a person and grow since we met.

  • I appreciate how you spend quality time with our son.

  • I appreciate how you surround yourself with great people create wonderful opportunities for sharing energy and love with events like music nights. I appreciate all of the effort you have put into our relationship. I appreciate all of the support you have shown me. I appreciate all of the wonderful gifts, notes, texts and loving messages you have given to me. I appreciate that you allowed your heart to love me. I appreciate that you shared your amazing body with me and allowed me to bring you pleasure. I appreciate your patience with my criticisms. I appreciate that you are doing what is right for you, trusting your here and telling the truth.

  • I appreciate that you texted me back tonight and the words you shared.

  • I appreciate how you think of me every time you go to the store, and bring back special treats you know I love! I appreciate how you support my dreams and needs in this life, even if I have not reciprocated the same to you. I appreciate all the work you put in to keep this home and family together. I am so thankful when I come home and see how much time you devote to keeping things in order even though it's not fun. I appreciate you introducing new things in my life that at one time I may have felt were "weird" or "not me" only to find out they are things I needed most in my life.

  • I appreciate how you want to hear the hard things and how you see that I don't think bad about the hard things. I have never had anyone who wanted to hear me and you do and I appreciate that more than any gift or any material thing. It is just one reason why I love you and know you are perfect with me my love.

  • I appreciate how you wash and rinse the bottles for me so they are clean when I get home. Also, I appreciate how you take care of the kids through the night so I can get some sleep.

  • I appreciate how you were so honest with your feelings even though they were difficult things to say the last time that we spoke to each other. I appreciate that you listened so closely to what it is that I have been missing and wanting and gave it to me for my birthday. I appreciate how you tell me you love me when we are making love. I appreciate how you made the effort to see me last night even though it was very cold outside. I appreciate how you like to help me clean my apartment to make it a sunnier and more enjoyable place. I appreciate how you have left romantic gifts on my doorstep when we were going through a tough time. I appreciate how you brought me plants for my apartment and a chair for my cats to make it a lovelier place to live for them and for me. I appreciate the time that we have had together and how it was such a healing and warm space when I was alone and cold.

  • I appreciate how you've been taking care of your sleep apnea and how it is paying off with your having more energy, especially in taking care of the firewood.

  • You ask me what's wrong ...

    I appreciate our conversations in the morning, no matter how brief they may be. They help me start the day feeling connected to you.

  • I appreciate so much how you haven't forgotten about me! Thanks for sending me pictures and keeping me in the loop. So happy we can be together for the holiday! So thankful for your calming presence through text.

  • I appreciate so much that you made a delicious dinner last night and another delicious breakfast and coffee this morning. But more than that, I appreciate how you consistently see/perceive my needs often before I do, and you act in order to provide for them! In short, I feel known, heard and loved by you on a daily basis... :-)

  • I appreciate so much that you messaged me on Facebook today when you found wi-fi.

  • I appreciate taking care of the kids while I rested. I really appreciate it!

  • I appreciate that most times no matter what is going on you always take the time to say good morning and good night. And also that you love me unconditonally even when we have hard times.

  • I appreciate that PAIRS is making this available electronically.

  • I appreciate that you always recognize when something is wrong with me and that you care enough to sit down and really ask me what's wrong. And I appreciate that you take the time to ask me what we can do to fix the situation.I appreciate it when you stay up late at night with me and that you take care of me when I'm sick. And how you always make an effort to tell me I'm beautiful and to let me know that I matter to you.

  • I appreciate that you are a hard-working man. I appreciate that ever since we have been together you have financially given all that you have and have never been idle. I appreciate that even when you were laid off or had to move to support me in my career you never stopped working and continued to make every effort to find and keep employment, keeping your family and our financial security in the forefront of your mind.

  • I appreciate that you are alive and want to stay that way most of the time.

  • I appreciate that you are always a gentleman, opening the car door for me.

  • I appreciate that you are going to counseling with me. I appreciate that you are being honest with me about your feelings, even when things may be painful for me to hear. I appreciate the many things you do around the house for me and for our family -- it helps a lot and I am grateful for all of it, including cleaning, cooking, driving kids and more. I appreciate that you held me when I was so upset. I appreciate that you are gentle in the way you speak to me and that you don't raise your voice. I appreciate that you are going with me to Denver and are willing to spend time with me. I appreciate that you work hard at your job, even though it's stressful and difficult sometimes, so that we can have financial security, good insurance and nice things. I appreciate that you are a loving parent to our children, and patient with them even when they are challenging. I appreciate that you are kind.

  • I appreciate that you are patient with me and genuinely want to see me succeed in my work projects without becoming too involved.

  • I appreciate that you are self-motivated and how hard you work.

  • I appreciate that you are so understanding as we begin this journey. I appreciate how you help around the house when I am sure you do not always feel like it. I appreciate that you take care of my bratty daughter as fantastically as you do. I appreciate your hugs and words of encouragement when I feel like I am overwhelmed. I appreciate you wiping away my tears when I get emotional about some of the things we have been talking about. I appreciate you for being such a good friend. I appreciate you for all the times I have said, and probably will say, I need a minute and you do not ask questions or try to comfort me let me come to you in my time.

  • I appreciate that you are sticking with us and are trying to make our relationship work. Thank you for starting us off last night listening to the things I had to say and reading my emails from the weekend I noticed last night that you didn't dismiss some of my suggestions out of hand and you considered them, like when you do your training. Thank you for showing me you are considering me too even when what I say might not be what suits you.

  • I appreciate that you are taking things slowly at the moment. I appreciate that you have been very honest with me and kind gentle when we have spoken. I appreciate that you have been thinking of me and how I am feeling.

  • I appreciate that you are willing to listen to me without judgement. I appreciate that you are always loving even when you are expressing discontent with me. I appreciate that you are as organized as you are. I appreciate that you are willing to guide me when I need it!

  • I appreciate that you are willingly to stay by my side through these toughs times. I appreciate that you challenge and encourage me. I appreciate how you look out for my kids.

  • I appreciate that you are working so hard today at your stressful job with the other managers that aren't much help to you so we can enjoy going out to eat and doing things together without worrying about money.

  • I appreciate that you are working to support your family even though you wanted to take time off.

  • I appreciate that you called me when I was late coming home the other night.

  • I appreciate that you drive me around when ever I ask.

  • I appreciate that you fixed the rec room table on your own initiative. I appreciate that you got the car fixed today.

  • I appreciate that you give me time to get dressed or take a shower in the morning even when you are totally exhausted. I appreciate that you took both kids to the park last night so I could clean up the kitchen. I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me the things that make you attracted to me.

  • I appreciate that you go to work everyday to support our family. I appreciate how calm understanding and easy to talk to you've been this past week. I appreciate how helpful and comforting you've been since the accident and throughout this pregnancy.

  • I appreciate that you had the Advil PM set aside for me last night because you know I have had difficulty sleeping the past couple of nights.

  • I appreciate that you have been so dedicated and thoughtful to the me and the girls for the holiday. You were amazing at getting all the gifts bought and things planned out. Thank you!

  • I appreciate that you have been so helpful and understanding of me needing to study as well as reviewing my papers. I appreciate that you telling me that you are tired or needing alone time. I appreciate that you being open with me about what is on your mind big or small. I appreciate that you are happy for me and encouraging me to be my best even when it seems hopeless. I appreciate that you are receptive to my compliments and love for you. I appreciate your love for me though I may not show it. I appreciate that you are willing to step outside your comfort zone to show me love even with fears in the back of your mind. I appreciate how you challenge me to learn how to show you love and not love you the way I like to be loved. I appreciate you being you and not trying to change for me or make me change.

  • I appreciate that you have been spending time with me and the kids while still visiting with your mother. I know that it is stressful on you. Thank you for putting us first.

  • You tell me what you need to be happy ...

    I appreciate that you have not left me out in the cold while you have figured things out about us. I appreciate that you have listened to my concerns and been understanding as to my reasons. I appreciate that you have been so loving even when I am not sure I deserve it. I appreciate that you are able to open up to me about the seemingly unimportant things. I appreciate that you woke me up this morning. I appreciate you for having trust in me and knowing that I will not leave you. I appreciate you opening my heart because of you I now know where I belong and look forward to growing closer to you.

  • I appreciate that you haven't given up on our marriage. I appreciate that you tell me what you need in order for you to be happy in this marriage.

  • I appreciate that you hugged me and kept me warm last night when it got cold.

  • I appreciate that you let me sleep in today.

  • I appreciate that you like cuddles as much as sex. I appreciate that you will help me with dinner or lunch. I appreciate all the hugs and kisses you give me. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time to show me a different view on a situation. I appreciate you helping me with my homework and studying even though I may not act like it at times. I appreciate you encouraging me to do what needs to be done without being an ass. I appreciate you allowing me to have you whenever and where I want you.

  • I appreciate that you like to go out and do things, be social and enjoy entertainment. I really think we can get into that together.

  • I appreciate that you listened to me yesterday and agreed that to wait was the best solution.

  • I appreciate that you love my friends and family. I appreciate that you are willing to help whenever I need it. I appreciate that you love me unconditionally.

  • I appreciate that you make me go to bed early because you don't want to see me tired. I appreciate that you fixed the AC the other night.

  • I appreciate that you make time for dinner with me every evening.

  • I appreciate that you really enjoy your job and want to give the best you can to those kids.

  • I appreciate that you remind me it will be OK. I appreciate that you step up to take care of my kids when I'm unable.

  • I appreciate that you see the deep emotional connection we have and see the potential in our relationship and have encouraged me to spend some time alone to get my act together.

  • I appreciate that you seem to really care for my son and you treat him well. I appreciate that you think of me often and share even though I seem un-interested. I appreciated you going out in the middle of the night to go look for my phone when I couldn't, that meant a lot to me. I appreciate that you want to be a part of my family, you know how important they are to me and I believe you really want to be a full part of it. I appreciate the way you love me, not many woman would have stuck around with the situation I am in especially when you found out I was an asshole too!! I know you love me or you would not still be trying. I appreciate that you don't say mean things about me to other people and you keep our private life pretty private. I really appreciate your humor, you are so much like me in that aspect. I've never laughed so hard with someone..

  • I appreciate that you sent me a DTR, I appreciate that you are available for me to go to my fantasy FB drafts and take care of our wonderful children. I appreciate all the meals you make and I appreciate that you are helping me to communicate with you better, I think this is a good step.

  • I appreciate that you stay in contact with me throughout the night even though you are working.

  • I appreciate that you understand and allow me to rest when I need it. I appreciate the love and affection you show towards me. I appreciate that you are so understanding that this is a learning experience for me too.

  • I appreciate that you understand me. I appreciate that you are patient with me and kind. I appreciate that you put in the effort for us. I appreciate that you do what you can to make others happy. I appreciate your honesty and loyalty. I appreciate your help at the house and at work. I appreciate you helping with Wesley and being a great father. I appreciate you being your own person.

  • I appreciate that you vacuumed the living room today so we could play on the floor. I appreciate that you went with us to the park. I appreciate you trying to talk to me about our relationship.

  • I appreciate that you will come to bed with me when your not tired and I'll pass out right away. I love that you will hold me and take care of me even though imma big bitch when I'm sick. I also love that you enjoy spending time with my friends and have excepted them into our family

  • I appreciate the beautiful dinner you are making for us right now. I especially appreciate it today because i know that you are tired after a long day of work.

  • I appreciate the bonds that I have at work and that every day I go to work I am able to enjoy what I do and the people I work with. I appreciate you for offering to take care of me and be there to help me feel better when I am sick as well as being there for me when I learned that I lost my other grandma.

  • I appreciate the dedication you have for our family and the simple things you do for our kids and how much you love them and care for us

  • I appreciate the DTR email you initiated and sent to me, that was great thank you. I appreciate you giving the girls work to do today. I appreciate you taking action in our lives.

  • I appreciate the effort you put int our counseling. I also appreciate you calling every night before bed.

  • I appreciate the effort you put into making our house function, and creating a healthy environment for our kids. I like that you care about their health and well being. I am thankful that my children have a mother who is concerned for their happiness, their development, and their safety. I couldn't ask for anything more. I do realize that I give you a hard time about a lot of things. I do apologize for the way i communicate with you, and the way i come across. I don't mean to be hurtful, or difficult. I am thankful that i have you as a partner in life, and in raising our children. I think our kids are very lucky to you as a mother.

  • I appreciate the fact that you are trying to move forward in spite of our problems.

  • I appreciate the fact that you found this site and took the time to send me this as it seems like a great idea. I also love the text you send me letting me know you miss me. It's always a great reminder.

  • I appreciate the fact that you're willing to try to be friends, and the effort you place into being warm, friendly and caring when we speak.

  • I appreciate the fact you bust your ass at a job I know you don't love, to take care of a family you do.

  • The life you provide ...

    I appreciate the generosity that you have shown since we reunited, especially getting up early to feed me and pack a lunch only because you feel good being there to nurture and look after me. I was caught completely off guard and was so elated.

  • I appreciate the level of trust and honesty that we have already achieved and am excited to continue along this path with you.

  • I appreciate the life that you provide for myself and our family.

  • I appreciate the love that you have for children and for our family. You passionately care about kids--our kids and all kids. You pour yourself into teaching and assisting, this is part of what makes you an effective teacher and a great mom and mimi.

  • I appreciate the luscious guzzing in bed this morning. You started my day off with a warm feeling in my heart.

  • I appreciate the man you being the man you are with me. I appreciate that you are there to support me whenever I need you. I appreciate that you are open to helping me to not feel the burden of finances alone. I appreciate that you understand, or at least empathize, that I miss my family. I appreciate your understanding and patience as I again learn to be a more active member of our unit.

  • I appreciate the meals he cook for me I love the work he does around the house.

  • I appreciate the texts telling me that you love me & that I am pretty and that you are thankful for me. I appreciate you cooking for me and delivering it in bed. I appreciate you thinking about me when you were at the store and purchasing st. pat's goodies. I appreciate you willing to drive me when we go out.

  • I appreciate the things that you are doing to better your life and will in-turn better the life we are trying to build for ourselves and our son. I would really appreciate if you refrained from drinking and partying and kept your cell phone charged at all times so that you can be 100% completely prepared for the call to come in when i go into labor. I appreciate you setting up a place for me to stay close to my midwife so that I have one less worry about the birth of our son. I would really appreciate it if you would actively work on our relationship with me and not just us standing here waiting for the other to make a change and holding the negative against each other letting the walls we are building up between the two of us get higher and higher.

  • I appreciate the time and effort that you give to me and making me happy; you are amazing at putting your family first. It has been such a joy to share this new journey with you. I appreciate your willingness to learn and try something new. I also appreciate that you are hanging in there and enduring such a critical time of transition. I know you are doing it for the family and I appreciate that.

  • I appreciate the time you could never get back in your life that you give && share with mii. I appreciate when you send mii good morning texts. I appreciate the time effort && patience you put into our relationship. I appreciate the things you teach me! I appreciate that you compromise with me, and that you listen. I appreciate your loyalty, honesty, && respect! I appreciate you choosing me to build with and I Love You for all that.

  • I appreciate the time you give me && share with me that you can never get back. I appreciate the efforts && patience you put into our relationship. I appreciate the loyalty && honesty you give me. I appreciate the trust we have for one another. I appreciate the respect you give me. I appreciate you choosing me. I appreciate you listening to me and being considerate of my feelings. I appreciate you making changes to make me happy. I appreciate you!

  • I appreciate the time you take to hug me. Not just a quick hug. The long hugs that make me forget everything else in the world. That drowns out everything around us in that moment. The hugs that make me feel safe and loved.

  • I appreciate the time you took to attempt the PAIRS Talking Tips exercise last night. I appreciate how you cuddled me last night, that made me feel very loved.

  • I appreciate the time you took to make reservations at a restaurant you knew I wanted to go to for my birthday. I appreciate you being affectionate with me and trying to connect when I'm not in the best mood and trying to make me laugh. I appreciate you being friendly and social with my friends and making them all feel welcome and included in the conversation.

  • I appreciate the time you took today to take care of our needs like coordinating with Jim and re-installing the wifi and printer.

  • I appreciate the way that you are so helpful to those who are needing help. I also appreciate how you keep pictures of us for me and others to see. I love how you try to be a better person when I'm around you, by opening the door for me and taking the time to make sure I'm ok.

  • I appreciate the way that you sacrificed your weekend to make money for your family. I think it is a great example for our children to see you taking care of your family. I also appreciate the way that you let me have me time with my friends. I also appreciate how you apologized for your behavior when you were upset and I was introducing you to Tina. I see and apprecieate all the effort that you are putting forth for the betterment of our relationship. Thank you!

  • I appreciate the way we work together to ensure that neither of us gets burned out. I also appreciate the way you work so hard to help me be healthy and whole in this relationship. Our humor makes life so much sweeter and your lovemaking is definitely life warming. I so appreciate your willingness to learn these parenting tips and apply them with our princess. It is a joy to go on this ride with you!

  • I appreciate the way you allow me to come home and 'unload" my day upon you. I appreciate the way you hold me tight and make me feel safe and secure. I appreciate the way you help me out by cleaning up the kitchen. I appreciate your compassion and your trust in God. I appreciate and honor your leadership and your vision for our home.

  • i appreciate the way you are being patient with changes that have occurred while you were away. the way you touch me and cuddle me like we used to makes me feel safe and secure. i love being able to look at you in person and feel happy and proud that you are mine!

  • I appreciate the way you are so good at taking care of our kids. When I come home and the kids are all having fun, even if plugged into electronics, and you are calm and not immediately complaining, I feel like you really value my contributions to the family.

  • I appreciate the way you dressed today since you know I love the outfit. I loved the way you apologized to me about little things today that required no apology because it was very sweet.

  • I appreciate the way you have been listening to me and making an effort to communicate without getting angry our raising your voice. It means so much to me and its such a huge step towards improving our relationship.

  • I appreciate the way you make delicious dinners after working hard all day.

  • I appreciate the way you make every effort to stay in this marriage when I know it would be easier to walk away. You used to be willing to leave so quick and now you say that you are not leaving. I like the way you don't want to leave in your actions, while your heart is faint. You are strong, because you press on, even though this business thing is new to you. You want to succeed for us and for your children and for yourself. I admire your faith. Every morning you get on your knees to talk to your maker for us, for you. Your humility in that is beautiful. Your commitment to always seek him is powerful. You have helped me succeed by being a good father to our girls. You make them laugh and try to spend time with them when they look for you. I like the talks you have with them to encourage them. They and we will always remember that. You are setting a legacy in allowing them and me to know we can count on you. I am proud of you.

  • I appreciate the way you organized the closet downstairs, especially the flooring

  • I appreciate the way you take the time to make people feel welcome in our PAIRS classes. I appreciate the time you set aside in the morning to pray with me and review our days activities. I appreciate the fact that you are always seeking and desiring to improve our relationship.

  • I appreciate the way you treat me daily. I appreciate the way you support in so many ways.

  • I appreciate the way you were so caring and helpful and non-judgmental when my cats died.

  • Waking up in the morning to your text ...

    I appreciate your presence in my life for a period that was the best that I have had in my life.

  • I appreciate ur support and care during my illness.

  • I appreciate waking up in the morning to your good morning text. I appreciate that you text me even though you don't like texting.

  • I appreciate when you put forth the effort to make things better between us. I know it is hard for you to think and know when things are bad and what your part in it is, so I know when you do something to correct what is wrong that you have had to put a lot of thought into it. I do really appreciate how hard it is for you to look inside yourself to find things that are wrong and then to correct them. You were not raised to think you could do anything wrong so I know it is unusually hard for you to do that. I appreciate when you do and it really makes me proud of you. I appreciate the two weeks when you tried so hard and I was the happiest I had been in years. You can do it, I believe in you.

  • I appreciate when you send me loving text messages to let me know you are thinking of me. This lets me know i am special to you.

  • I appreciate when you tell me you love me or I look nice. It helps me to feel better about our relationship. I like your (just because) texts. I know you are agood man that works very hard to take care of me and the kids.

  • I appreciate when you text/call/snapchat during the day- I miss you when I'm away from you! I very much appreciate the effort you're putting in to cleaning and making our life more financially secure since you know I'm too scared to do it myself

  • I appreciate you dealing with my crazy over reading things and not just seeing it for what it is you trying to help. It means a lot to me that you are able to bring me back to reality. You are amazing. Thank you love you baby <3

  • I appreciate you acknowledging what is means for me to allow you time to sleep and the impact on me it has. I know you need it and am happy to give you the time as you need. I appreciate you making dinner tonight and letting me vegg as well tonight.

  • I appreciate you always thinking of me when you do laundry and cooking and cleaning and shopping and paying bills and yard work. You are even tempered and tolerate my sad moods with patience and understanding.

  • I appreciate you and the wonderful daddy you have be become. I appreciate how loving you can be and affectionate you are. You have harnessed your anger but on occasion, you let it come out. I appreciate how you have grown to keep your anger under control. I appreciate how good you are in bed :). And appreciate how you get me going when I am not so into it... But you get me there. ;)

  • I appreciate you are investing yourself in our future by setting up the appointments even with ur busy schedule

  • I appreciate you being our financial rock and providing such a comfortable life for us!

  • I appreciate you being so strong and willing to keep your marriage inspite of everything I have done. You care so much about the kids and I and are willing to constantly improve your self every single day. You try so hard be everything I say I want and that is so unselfish of you. I appreciate your LOVE THE MOST.

  • I appreciate you being the sole provider for this family and being willing to do what's best for us every time. I appreciate how much you care about my happiness. I appreciate you asking about my day even when you are 9000 miles away.

  • I appreciate you buying me dinner, the oreo cookie pudding and bringing it upstairs to me, so I could rest my foot.

  • I appreciate you buying the granola bars. I like how they satisfy my craving for a cookie.

  • I appreciate you calling and asking how I was and saying that you love me. I t made my day.

  • I appreciate you calling me on Veterans Day and sharing a laugh. I also appreciate you being responsible with the American Express/our credit. I appreciate you being responsible.

  • I appreciate you calm nature. I appreciate it when I know I've messed up you don't rub my face in it. I appreciate your concern towards others.

  • I appreciate you cleaning up the dinner stuff when I was tired too

  • I appreciate you cooking dinner last night and letting me have the last piece of pie! It was so wonderful spending Easter with you, thank you for making time to spend with family.

  • I appreciate you cutting you sleep time short to call me this morning and tell me it's because I'm important to you. No one has ever said that to me and the best part is I know you mean it.

  • I appreciate you fixing the rec room table on your own initiative. I appreciate that you got the car fixed.

  • I appreciate you for agreeing on the 90 day program. I am so proud of you for making this decision to get healthy.

  • I appreciate you for always trying to stay strong no matter what you are going through

  • I appreciate you for being the man you are. I appreciate you for understanding me so well. I appreciate your guidance and unwavering support. I appreciate your love that continues as strongly as ever. I appreciate you for loving me for me.

  • I appreciate you for being the strong woman you are. I appreciate you for been there when I was down. I appreciate you for being my rock when I needed some one to lean on. I appreciate you for standing by me when you really should have left me. I appreciate you for caring for me when I was in bad health.

  • I appreciate you for being you. You have brought me out of a depression. I really appreciate all you do for your clients, to see they get a fair shake. I really like the time we spend together.

  • I appreciate you for driving up here every weekend to spend time with us and also to attend the classes. I also appreciate you for being kind when I fall back into my OLD ways and for sending me a reminder in a loving mannor.

  • Standing by me ...

    I appreciate you giving me a hug in the kitchen last night

  • I appreciate you giving support to me and our marriage during this trying time. I know how hard it has been to find a rhythm in our marriage, in fact we are still looking for it, I appreciate the effort you are putting into growing with me.

  • I appreciate you going to work each day in spite of your pain and troubles.

  • I appreciate you grabbing me today followed by your strong embrace and your warm kiss.

  • I appreciate you helping dad through this time with mowing and other things he needs done. Also, putting up the pool for us so we can have a good time this summer.

  • I appreciate you helping me to learn your likes and dislikes. I appreciate that your are trying to balance everything so that nobody feels left out. <for the record, I am completely happy with everything> I appreciate that you were willing to help me out with dinner. I appreciate that you are wanting to find out what makes me feel good. I appreciate the cuddles in the evening. I appreciate that you are so loving. I appreciate the hugs and kisses you give me.

  • I appreciate you helping with things that need to be done around the house. I appreciate you taking care of the kids, dinner, and the house when I feel bad or am sick. I appreciate you working hard to support our little family. I appreciate the love you show me daily in the things you do. I appreciate the snuggles we sneak in late at night and early in the mornings. I appreciate you being my husband, best friend, and life partner.

  • I appreciate you holding me when I slipped into bed as I asked and the tender longer kiss than usual when you left for work. I appreciate that you want to try to make things work and you haven't given up on us.

  • I appreciate you keeping on top of things despite ur busy work schedule

  • I appreciate you letting me borrow your truck. You are always willing to share with me and it was a big help yesterday. It was also very kind of you to let me work on my presentation so late on Thursday. I value your friendship.

  • I appreciate you letting me get some rest on the weekends. I know its hard for you because you system is used to staying up late and sleeing during the day. It's nice that you fight through your fatigue to allow me a few more hours. Thanks and I love you.

  • I appreciate you making extra effort to make me feel loved and welcome in our home.

  • I appreciate you making wieners and beans. They are nice for a change.

  • I appreciate you not deleting the browser history. I appreciate you making plans for the weekend.

  • I appreciate you not giving up on us when we fight. You have definitely proven to me that you care this past week. Thank you for taking care of the situation with the neighbor as promptly as possible. It never even had to be stressed to you that I really do not want any problems with the neighbor. I know it could be easy for you to disappear and leave me holding the bag on this in the long run but you came through with no/minimal prodding from me. In addition to all this you made good on your waterpark promise to my son. Today when you walked in you really surprised me with the jogging suit and the frame. I walked around Walgreens last night looking for a cheap frame. And I buy a heap jogging suit for myself every year but wasn't able to afford one this year so thank you.

  • I appreciate you paying attention to the finer details of our relationship; helping with the kids as usual, keeping the house picked up and your noga pants ;)

  • I appreciate you restraining yourself around my mother.

  • I appreciate you sacrificing time at home to go work and provide for our family, and so I can work part time so our children have less time in daycare or with babysitters.

  • I appreciate you sending a DTR to me. It really feels good.

  • I appreciate you sending me texts and doing the DTR with me every day. I really appreciate that you're so thoughtful to me with taking care of my place and cat and smelly roommate. I'm glad that you thought enough of me to introduce me to your mom, and eventually your whole family (I think). I'm also glad that you found this tool for us to use together and that you're constantly thinking about how we can make our relationship and individual lives stronger. I can't wait to see you again!

  • I appreciate you standing by me through this tough time I have been having with work, our relationship, and life in general.

  • I appreciate you staying home this morning to take care of the communication with the city engineers.

  • I appreciate you staying home until Miguel seemed ok going to bed, delaying meeting Julie and Lois because you were letting me go to bed early. I appreciate you reflecting on our "tiff" last night, about the comment you made after I asked David to clean my room. I appreciate you initiated a conversation about it, and that you recognized how it might have felt to me to be on the receiving end of the comment. I appreciate that you approached me to check in to see if I was expecting to continue that conversation after dinner.

  • I appreciate you staying in the family therapy session last week. I know it's not easy to do, but you hung in there and didn't give up!

  • I appreciate you taking care of the children and making effort to help clean the apartment.

  • I appreciate you taking care of the leak in the house today. It meant a lot to me that you moved my furniture and placed bowls in the room to catch the water. I appreciate you meeting me for lunch and for paying. I always enjoy eating pho with you; the ritual and relationship that we have built with the restaurant are an important part of "us". I appreciate you talking to me about your family. It is a very difficult situation and I know that you are scared. I hope that you can feel comfortable talking to me.

  • I appreciate you taking on the task of gathering and completing the paperwork for the loan modification request. It means a lot that you were willing to help. I appreciate your patience with me when I have been a pain in the arse here lately. I appreciate you allowing me to get my feelings out and not judge me for having them even when I know some of them hurt and/or angered you. I appreciate you bringing to my attention that it was anxiety I was feeling and approaching me in a calming manner to discuss what I should do to fix it. I never really thought about it being anxiety so I appreciate your expertise with all things mental. LOL I appreciate you for loving me, staying with me during both the good and bad times, guiding me when I need it, being my biggest cheerleader, my wonderful hubby, and most of all remaining my best friend throughout our life together.

  • I appreciate you taking out the garbage I appreciate you driving us in to the city I appreciate you buying me a hot cocoa I appreciate that you thought of me now and bought breakfast

  • I appreciate you taking pictures of savannah and sending them to me, it is always brightens my day. thanks for bringing me food when I am stressed and showing up during those times. thanks for making the macoroni and cheese with hotdogs today, it was good and i needed to eat something. I didn't eat well yesterday.

  • I appreciate you taking the box to the post office and saving me trip. Thank you for taking trash out. Thank you for texting me and connecting with me. Thank you for calling me at work making sure everything is ok.

  • Helping with homework ...

    I appreciate you taking the extra time on your day off work to make a special meal and dessert as well as getting up at 5 to clean the house.

  • I appreciate you taking the girls to the BB game.

  • I appreciate you taking the time to come to the house today and help make dinner, it was great to have the family together .

  • I appreciate you taking the time to reconnect with me. I know that that wasn't easy for you and that you had to be very brave to come out and admit your failures and say what you want for our future.

  • I appreciate you taking the time when you got home from work to really help Maya with her home work. Your patience with her was amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • I appreciate you taking time away from your pre-work routine (delaying your shower?) to try and get Skype running for us. I appreciate your thanking me for things like braving up to email and skype communication. They may seem little to you, but they are big to me and your appreciation of that shows empathy for my feelings. I appreciate your willingness to teach/lead me. I appreciate that you allowed funny business to continue when I wasn't ready to stop even if you were. I appreciate your physical generosity.

  • I appreciate you taking time off work (missing an important meeting) out of your love and concern for your daughter, and in support of me.

  • I appreciate you talking to the city guy and that you will be here to watch what they discover.

  • I appreciate you telling me I'm beautiful. I appreciate you taking care of the girls so that I am able to work. I appreciate you cooking and cleaning for me.

  • I appreciate you telling my you love me first thing when you fb me! I appreciate you waking me up in the morning. I appreciate that you let me know if you are felling blah so that I know that you need a nap or quiet time. I appreciate that you are being very lovey towards me.

  • I appreciate you texting me last night when you made it home. I appreciate you letting me fall asleep in your lap more importantly I appreciate that you make me feel safe and relaxed enough to do so.

  • I appreciate you thinking about my vehicle safety to keep all if us safe.

  • I appreciate you wanting me to grow

  • I appreciate you wanting to come home to see how my brother was doing. While waiting for him, I appreciate you sitting next to me on the couch and putting your arm around me. I appreciate you offering to make Savy a bottle, for offering to make my lunch, and for changing her diaper. I always appreciate you loving me. I always appreciate you forgiving me. I always appreciate your loving, kind heart.

  • I appreciate you willing to meet me again next week.

  • I appreciate you working so hard for this family. I miss you.

  • I appreciate YOU, you've been there for me through thick and thin. You're the only loved one in my life that has not given up on me. I appreciate that you pointed this pair site out to me, I really think this will give me the tools to better show my appreciation for you. Yesterday was one of my most painful days i have had, and I truly do thank you for being there for me. I thank you for taking the risk of feeling bad & letting me come to see you, I hope to god that it soothed your heart/soul as much as it did mine. Being that this is my first DTR I also want to express my appreciation for all that you did for me/us while we were living together. A lot of times I didn't even realized how much you're putting yourself out there to make us work.

  • I appreciate you. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to send me a DTR and to make the appointment with the therapist. I appreciate you cleaning the bottles yesterday (but I should have just said that to you when you were doing it). It always helps me out so much when you do that. I appreciate you wanting to stick through this and work on us. I appreciate you giving me the time to work on me...I need to remember that shows how much you love me. I appreciate you still taking me out on a date night. I appreciate the hugs and kisses. I appreciate you loving me.

  • I appreciate you... for carrying so much and helping, working with me as a team to build a solid foundation for our family to grow from...

  • I appreciate your ability to put yourself aside and no matter how much you get hurt and fed up but still keep going on without blaming me or life much

  • I appreciate your calm demeanor...your brain (you're kinda smart, you know)...your twinkle in your eyes...your warmth and empathy...your willingness to be on an adventure...your ability to usually be a positive-thinker while being very much a realist....your overall tall, glasses-wearing cute factor....and your ability to balance my "introverted extrovert" personality.

  • I appreciate your commitment to keep in contact with me during the day. It makes me feel special to know that you are thinking of me.

  • I appreciate your consideration of my feeling regarding the bank account

  • I appreciate your continued attempts at communicating with me regardless of their outcome. I appreciate how attractive and what a generous lover you are.

  • I appreciate your daily effort to watch over our daughter and guide and teach her. i appreciate your willingness to shoulder more than your share of responsibility to let me have time to rest and stop stressing so much.

  • I appreciate your dedication to your family. I appreciate you cleaning my car for me and getting me my energy drinks and snacks. I appreciate your honest word on life.... I appreciate your intelligence and interest in your every day projects and task. I appreciate your willingness to work on us and unfold layers of yourself I appreciate your touch. When you really tell me you love me with emotion

  • I appreciate your depth as a person. I appreciate your willingness to work on things with me and I appreciate your reaction yesterday when you reigned your emotions in and worked through them instead of remaining grumpy. I appreciated our love making this morning :)

  • I appreciate your desire to have a presentable house that we can enjoy and share with others

  • I appreciate your desire to help around the house. I appreciate your understanding of my desire to go up for Sis. Price's funeral.

  • I appreciate your effort for making videos for me to wake up to for 3 days. It made me feel so loved even if you are miles away from me. I also appreciate your words even if those are harsh but it made me feel stronger.

  • Keeping your cool even when you're fed up ...

    I appreciate your effort to keep cool and not giving up despite you're for sure fed up to an extreme sometimes.

  • I appreciate your effort to make the marriage work.

  • I appreciate your effort to prepare meals for us to eat.

  • I appreciate your efforts in keeping the house organized lately. Also I appreciate that you've fixed dinner/lunch lately. I realize that each little chore adds up and it seems like a lot, but you've been taking care of the necessary's and it really makes things much smoother. And I especially thank you for taking care of our kids. It's a nonstop job and you are doing great. Love you!

  • I appreciate your efforts to connect or talk with me everyday. I appreciaye you hugging me and twlling me i love you. I appreciaye it when you call or text me loving words in the middle of the day specially when we are apart to let me know you care. I appreciate it when you tell me stories about what happen to you and your day when we are apart. I appeciate it when you hug me when you wake up in the middle of the night. I appreciaye it when you take efforts to spend time with me and play with our kids. I love you

  • I appreciate your endless love and caring to me. And how you were faithful in everything. Sending messages or calling me during the day just to stay in touch with me,no matter what stage or situation of reletionships we have will always be there to fight for me and for our love.

  • I appreciate your excitement about my sister's birth, it is sweet and means a lot. I am grateful you helped out with so much during this trip. I appreciate your enthusiasm when talking about moving and that you were so on board when I first suggested it.

  • I appreciate your faithfulness and obedience to God. I appreciate your love and warm heart towards others. I appreciate your vision and covering. I appreciate your gentle touch and tender kisses.

  • I appreciate your flexibility in this time of my family's need. I appreciate you holding my niece :).... I appreciate that you're being cool about us sleeping apart today.

  • I appreciate your help over the last 1 1/2 weeks since the surgery.

  • I appreciate your honesty about how your feeling, and your patience with my responses. I understand things are difficult and emotional, and I understand how wanting to avoid conflict can be a tempting outlet for frustration. I'd appreciate an extra special effort to avoid discussions involving other men you've been involved with during this focus period, this will help me maintain an emotional space where we can focus on rebuilding foundations, instead of my emotions ripping apart our progress before it has time to gain momentum.

  • I appreciate your kind heart and your loving personality

  • I appreciate your kind word in a moment of uncertainty this morning. Telling me I'd do better really meant a lot to me. I appreciate your patience with me for all these years. I am also grateful for the effort you put in with the kids and there homework. I am very proud of you.

  • I appreciate your kinkiness and willingness to explore that together. I appreciate you taking care of business (financial) when it's needed.

  • I appreciate your love and caring always to me. And how you were being honest and sending message or call me during the day just to keep on touch with me,no matter what stage or situation of relationships we will always there to fight for me!

  • I appreciate your loving and caring always to me. And how you were faithful to your words. I appreciate that you sending message,pictures or calling me during the day to stay in touch with me. And no matter what stage or situation of relationships we have will always be there to fight for me and for our love.

  • I appreciate your loving and warm touch, it just makes me tingle all over. I appreciate the "covering" you provide for me as my husband. I appreciate your support in all of my dreams and endevours.

  • I appreciate your patience and concern for me when I was struggling with my feelings today.

  • I appreciate your positive attitude this week

  • I appreciate your sense of humor and big laughter. I appreciate that you're into moving into a new place and making a home together.

  • I appreciate your sense of responsibility in our finances. I appreciate that we an work together in stressful situations like today.

  • I appreciate your smart idea of asking me how I felt and all the effort you put into listening to me last night!

  • I appreciate your smile and your warm hugs. Your smile melts my heart.

  • I appreciate your strength in tough times.

  • I appreciate your taking the lead in preparations for last nights part and cleaning up afterwards.

  • I appreciate your text messages and phone calls checking in on me throughout the day. It makes me feel connected to you even though we are so far away.

  • I appreciate your trust and faith in me. I appreciate your willingness to share adventures with me and step outside of your comfort zone to experience new things. I really appreciate that you learned to ski with me and enjoy it. I appreciate how you support me to learn and grow. I appreciate all of the nice things and gear you have given me. I appreciate that you shared your beautiful body with me. I appreciate that you communicate with compassion and a heart full of love. I appreciate that you have accepted who I am.

  • I appreciate your warm and gentle spirit. I appreciate your understanding and unconditional love.

  • I appreciate your warm, lengthy hugs. I love that you kiss me often. I also appreciate your renewed interest in taking good care of the yard. I appreciate your frequent texts throughout the day to remind me you're thinking of me and love me. I love you.

  • I appreciate your warmth and tenderness,since coming into my life I've felt a great sense of love and closeness, I love you more and more each day. I cannot conceive of life without you by my side! When I look upon your sweet face all I can do is smile at my beautiful wife. I look forward to the day when we walk down that aisle together, I'm hopeful of our future with one another and I want to fulfill my obligations to you my dearest. Your trust, respect,love, and honesty mean EVERYTHING to me! I care for you very deeply.

  • Knowing how much you care ...

    I appreciate your willingness to be monogamous with me in solidarity for the time we've agreed to. I appreciate the love and stability you bring to our home with your hard work.

  • I appreciate your willingness to communicate with me about our issues. I appreciate the sacrifices you've made in order to help our marriage return to stability. I appreciate how hard you've been working and the effort you're making right now in the midst of that level of involvement. I'd appreciate doing more things together and finding new things that we can enjoy. I'd appreciate talking more about our feelings, with us making more of an effort to connect as we're being affected by negative or difficult emotions.

  • I appreciate your willingness to continue going to counseling with me.

  • I appreciate your willingness to love me and my children. I appreciate how much you care, and how much you feel for all our children. I appreciate how you listen and hear me.

  • I appreciate your willingness to make things work in our relationship.

  • I appreciated how compassionate you are. You may not be close enough to physically help when I'm not feeling well, but it sure does make a huge difference just knowing how much you care.

  • I appreciated it when we went out last night and you would rub my back or smile at me. You didn't have to take off of work to go but you did. I am proud of you. I like going places with you in public when we are affectionate and happy with each other and there is no mistake that we are in our lives together out of love.

  • I appreciated that you called the Audi dealer. I know it is hard for you to do these things lately. I very much appreciate you taking the contraband to Ray to be destroyed. This helps build trust.

  • I appreciated the touching this morning

  • I appreciated the way you waited last night for me to finish on the phone before you started the show. I also like the way you came in yesterday and tried to comfort me after a long day

  • I appreciated you having dinner ready last night, especially since I have been working so late and been so stressed while I have been away. I know that you don't always have time to cook either and that was very nice to come home to.

  • I appreciated you picking and planning dinner today. I had a long day and it felt great to come home and eat.

  • I appreciated you sending me a copy of the kids' report cards. It helps me to feel included in what is going on in their live.

  • I appreciated you watching Banning this evening while I did my work. I also appreciated you taking him to bed, knowing that this work I had was important. I appreciated the honest communication we had Saturday night. It was the most intimate - though difficult - conversation we have had in a very long time. I appreciated you getting dinner and letting me rest. It was desperately needed, I was way more tired than I have been in a very long time.

  • I appreciated your snuggles last night. Your strong arms wrapped around me was so nice.

  • I appreciate that you cared so much about how my parents had been when they were on their way to khulna

  • I appreciate that you take care of your body. I also am thankful that you dot he laundry.

  • I continue to admire you for the way you are willing to take on massive challenges, and work very hard for however long it takes to master the goal. I am deeply impressed by the way you have been willing to pay the price of humiliation at the hands of those you are learning from and how you perservere in the face of discouragement and disappointments and frustration. You have been aware of the way you have shown physical strength in protecting me and the kids, but I'm not sure you recognize the strength of character you've also shown. In everything you've done you've always been courageous when facing danger, you have never been dishonest or tried to be cruel.

  • I have seen over the past week you have been working very hard to be present with me to meet the needs I expressed during our relationship talk. I have noticed that you have hugged me, you told Grant you both need to respect what I was saying, you watched Satisfaction with me and you made a concentrated effort to spend time with me.

  • I just appreciate you for who you are and what you bring to my life

  • I love you because of everything.

  • I knew you were upset this morning and I appreciate you not escalating this morning's conversation

  • I like your positive attitude

  • I liked the kiss this morning first thing when you got up

  • I love how you are continually invested in our relationship, especially given our distance away from each other. I know you are planning my visit and I can't wait to see you and our new house. I can't wait to see our new puppy dog. I know you have been taking care of him. I appreciate how much you think about me and our relationship. I know you are careful with your interactions with others and that you appreciate what we have. That is really special to me.

  • I love how you try every day to take care of us!

  • I love the fact that you asked me about the conference today.

  • I really apprciated our discussion at lunch today. Thank you for being able and willing to talk about this in a calm way. It was very reassuring to me.

  • I really appreciate all the work that you put in when making dinner.

  • I really appreciate everything you've done for me throughout the four years we've been married, from stepping up n helping me raised my kids til the little things like taking me places when lords knows you didnt feel like it.

  • Being silly with me ...

    I really appreciate how hard you have been working for our family during our time of need. I also appreciate how hard you have been working to change for the better in our marriage. I really love how good you have been to me know matter what the situation is between us. Even when we argue you still keep your cool and try to make things better and make me feel better.

  • I really appreciate how honest and calm you are with me, and I understand how difficult this had been for you and the huge impact it has caused.

  • I really appreciate how kind and gentle your spirit is. I notice the little things you do, and it makes me feel love and loved.

  • I really appreciate how you care so much for keeping the house in order. You do an excellent job feeding Jonathan, making sure he is ready for bed, and teaching him how to behave around animals. I see how hard to try to make our relationship more intimate, and I do appreciate it very much. I really like how you sext me occasionally when I'm at work, it makes me smile! I appreciate your honesty when it comes to my health and work life. Your understanding of my job and the odd hours that sometimes come with it is very much appreciated. I love how you express your opinions about politics and society to me...even if we disagree. I appreciate you helping open my mind about things like gay marriage and other societal concerns.

  • I really appreciate how you take time to help the kids with their homework on a daily basis.

  • I really appreciate it when you take time for us. This evening we had some pretty good sex, and it was because you took the time to throw on some clothes that you'd never wear outside and some uncomfortable shoes, but the benefit it provided to our relationship is well beyond the cost.

  • I really appreciate that after our argument this morning you didnt kick me out on my face. Lol I was so glad you allowed me to go for a ride. You did so good with our laundry and some cleaning. Then even though Kelly had argued with you still got dinner and the boys really appreciated it like I did.

  • I really appreciate that almost every night you not only think of what to have for super, but have it prepared and ready by the time I get home. You are a good cook and baker and I appreciate that more than I mention it!

  • I really appreciate that you are taking my concerns seriously and really trying to make things better in our marriage. I also love the little texts you send me during the day to show you're thinking of me.

  • I really appreciate that you have taken the full initiative to care for our children so that I can focus on me through this course. I appreciate that you are a very capable, loving father and I am very comfortable knowing that they are in good hands while I'm away. Thank you for being a GREAT Dad. I am very grateful to you for being an honorable man. A courageous man, and a determined man of your word. I know your dedication to our family is all that matters. It TRULY shows with your actions and hard work. I am so proud of you for being such a powerful role-model to the kids so that they also live their future as upstanding, hard working individuals in the world. You REALLY are a guiding light to all who know and love you for your passionate character and fierce devotion.

  • I really appreciate the huge sacrifice you are making to take care of our baby and our home.

  • I really appreciate the way you've supported me in the last couple of weeks. I feel like you help me take pressure off of myself to fix my health problems. I think you know how much it upsets me to think that I could be seen as a pain in the neck and I can't tell you how nice it is for you to go out of your way to reassure me that I don't have to worry about it. I also appreciate that you said that you would be there for me if my brother was causing a fuss. That's a high tension situation for me and one that I've struggled with for a long time. It is so wonderful not to feel alone in that possibility of a dispute. I love the way you stopped to caress me that day right after I mentioned my insecurities. I'm guessing that takes courage right now. Thank you so much for doing it though.

  • I really appreciate what you did last night making love. It felt so natural and comfortable and it was so good to hold you and touch you and feel you touching me. I know this is only a small step but it is a step in a the right direction.

  • I really appreciate you always helping the kids with their homework. That means a lot to me!

  • I really appreciate you chosing to love me again.

  • I really appreciate you grabbing the college information for me yesterday. That was really considerate to think of me during your busy day and made me feel important and valued:)

  • I really appreciate you taking ginger and getting her groomed and working on the taxes

  • I really appreciate your enthusiasm for the Christmas season and getting the decorations down last night. I love the way you smile when we see decorations you like when we're out shopping. I appreciate the way you want to keep Christ as a central part of our Christmas and I also really appreciate your commitment to keep us on track financially. That's so encouraging to me.

  • I really appreciate your physical support, love, care, and time to drive me to the hospital, wait with me, sit with me afterwards in recovery and drive me home all while you were worried about work and needed to be there too"

  • I really appreciated seeing the pictures of us both on your phone when we are out in public, and when you send special pictures of us that you have created with a special message to have a nice day or just to say "I love you!" I love how you try to fix breakfast on Saturday mornings by starting with a cup of coffee and asking me how I like my eggs cooked. I also love how important it is to you that you put your arms around me and hold me close when we get into bed. I love how you like to look good for me, and try to dress nicely when we are out in public. I really liked how you showed me how to work with the towel rack and then turned me loose to complete the project and following up with complimenting me upon completion. I love to see how you explain how you have fixed something and demonstrate to me how successful you were with finding a solution. You demonstrate in such a way to also teach, and you are very thorough with you explanations by simplifying to make sure I understand.

  • I really appreciated that you took the time to call me this morning and discuss rather than text. I also appreciate how clean you left the house, it took a lot of the stress out of coming home. I appreciate that you care so much about people that you have set up a new program to help those less fortunate.

  • I really appreciated you being able and willing to discuss this issue during our lunch time today. The way you were able to discuss it calmly really was encouraging to me.

  • I really appreciated you giving me the time to get my bike done at the weekend and the fact that i could have gone on the bike ride on Saturday. You understanding that and giving me the time means alot to me and thank you forbeing so understanding.

  • I really appreciated your bringing up our anniversary this morning. It was so nice to hear you refer to it as a special day and ask me about making plans. Heading out skiing is exciting. We have shared so many great times skiing together over the years and our whole ski weekend routine is wonderful and memorable. Thank you!!

  • I really love how we have been staying in touch through text and chat. It doesn't seem forced, like we're just doing it through the motions, but we really miss each other. I miss you! Come baaaaack!

  • I really want to thank you for taking the time to invest your heart, mind, body and soulloving me when no body else did. You brought back to me all those wonderful feelings and emotions that I once lost to never to be felt again. in the dark skys of my heart you brought light. and colored my life in such a way that I cant find words to explain these feelings in which im still learning to accept./td>

  • I sincerely appreciate you my son and thank God for having enabled me to give birth to such a wonderful person.

  • I think you are a great husband

  • I truly appreciate you for having dinner made for me when I came home from work yesterday. I appreciate you having my lunch for today ready to go. I also appreciate you for laughing and joking around with me while we made my toppings with ice cream last night. I truly appreciate all the little things like that you do for me while you are trying to make my life as stress free as possible. Thank you and I love you, with all my heart.

  • I want to say thank you for carrying on trying for us. I know how hard it has been for you and I do understand your frustrations. Thank you for sticking with it and being open to trying different things to try and make it work with us. I appreciated it in bed last night when you said you wanted a cuddle and understood how I was feeling, how you checked it was ok to touch me and talked about that and checked it was ok to carry on. It made it easier for me and helped me deal with my feelings. I enjoyed feeling close to you and being able to do that.

  • I want you to know that i appreciate that, even when the rest of your world seems to be a whirlwind around you, you make such a conscious effort to connect with me and include me in your day.

  • I want you to know that one of the biggest things I appreciate is the person you are. We all have faults and flaws and insecurities. But you are so willing to help me work through mine and I want nothing more than to give you the same. You are this incredibly strong and passionate woman, and I know it will just be a matter of time before you once again start to feel good about yourself again. I believe in you...

  • I'm happy that you're willing to give our relationship a chance.

  • I'm happy to be adopted.

  • I'm very proud of the way our yard is looking. It must have been difficult to mow it three times! It looks so much better!! Great job?

  • I appreciate how you get up daily to go to work and provide for our family regardless of how you feel or if it is cold, hot, or rainy.

  • It made me feel like you cared when you called to see how my foot was feeling a couple of weeks ago.

  • Just wanted to say that I appreciate your texts in the morning when you are at work. I don't want you to think that they are a bother or an annoyance because they aren't!

  • I really appreciate all the effort you put in raising our kids in a very stable and solid family environment. Thanks for make me feel that I am the most important person in your life and that for demonstrate your love to me with every single day with your kindness and understanding.

  • Thank you for all the effort you have put into getting us back on track. You made the first steps and you have been open and honest and spoken about some things that I know are difficult for you and I appreciate it. Thank you for staying calm when we spoke the other nite and for steering us away from a row.

  • Thank you for all you do to make our home, the yummy home cooked meals, the tips on healthy living and frugal living. I love our mutual appreciation for the spiritual path we are on. I love and appreciate the care and tenderness you show in loving and appreciating me.

  • Thank you for being attentive to all our needs. You make a great effort in making our family work. Thank for always being there.

  • Thank you for being the love of my life and allowing me to come back into your life.

  • Thank you for folding the laundry, I really appreciate that. It was a mess of clean clothes in laundry room. Thank you.

  • Thank you for giving the time to try and drive round the course with me. I appreciate that as it was a big chunk out of our day and I had already been for a ride in the morning. Thanks for being so understanding about my training as I realize it does take big chunks out of our day. I appreciate all the efforts you are making with our relationship and I know you find some of the stuff really hard to talk about and I know you do try to make things better. I know making love isn't easy because of the feelings it stirs up in you. Thank you for all that you doing and the lengths you go too, to try and make things right. I understand how fustrating it is for you that I cant say things you need to hear but I will keep trying to get it right.

  • Thank you for letting me know what you were doing last night.

  • Thank you for sharing these apps with everyone.

  • Thank you for talking to me yesterday about the pain you are suffering. I know that it is not easy and I do appreciate it. I didn't walk away yesterday. I just wanted a moment to collect myself as I am aware that I don't want to seem I am reacting in the wrong way and want to stay in control of myself and like you have said just a moment away gives us time to collect our thoughts. I hope it was the right thing to do. I enjoyed the meal and time we spent together yesterday. I also appreciate yesterday that when we were getting a bit heated in the car and we agreed to disagree and moved on and continued talking about other stuff. I felt that was really positive.

  • Thank you for working hard for our family each day and coming home to help out with cooking, homework, and cleaning the home.

  • Thank you for your concerns and compassion! Thank you for raising 4 great kids! Thank you for being near me and walking with me ALWAYS! I appreciate that you clean up the kitchen each night and water the plants. I appreciate that you keep the house clean--even working on Saturdays to clean the floors and bathrooms and for washing the clothes. I love you!

  • Thanks for a wonderful Turkey date, the food and set up was amazing. The rolls were mouthwatering. It was great to spend the day with you and our family.

  • Thanks for always taking good care of us and being there when we need you.

  • Thanks for doing Scouts activities with our children!!!

  • Thanks for not getting upset this morning I understand your frustrated. I am trying to do my best.

  • Thanks you for being my friend.

  • That you took care of me before you left and made sure I would survive.

  • The way you laugh,sing,play with dogs the way you take care of me and the kids and the way you still love me, because I will always love you.

  • Very much appreciate that you did the closet when I asked you too. Very much appreciate that you took on the extra class as well as tutoring. Appreciate it when you free and or walk the dogs without me having to ask.

  • You are a great father and I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to call and text.

  • You are a great father and work hard to give us what we need and want. You have tried a lot over the past year to change and improve our relationship

  • You are a great mother, wife, daughter, and friend. I appreciate the steps you have taken to better yourself and win a part of you back. I appreciate you giving us another chance and for letting me be in the house with you and the kids.

  • You are foxy and smart.

  • You making me tea. You helping me with losing my keys, then putting a screw in the wall.

  • You're a great person super hot funny smart but crazy too so I stay excited and interested.

  • You're a great mom. Fabulous cook, creative in jewelry design and with your clients. I appreciate your sense of humor and dedication to your family.

  • Your willingness to be vulnerable by making me important you.

  • Im Proud of You Baby for Getting Clean and Bettering Your Life


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